Ellis Beach, on the road to Port Douglas
Visit Port Douglas on a Sunday for the open air market next to St Mary's church in Anzac Park.
The drive between Ellis Beach and Oak Beach passes several gorgeous beaches.
North Ellis Beach
Wangetti Beach
Wangetti is the home of Hartley's Creek Crocodile Adventures, the croc farm and wildlife park.
Well worth a visit to take a cruise on the lagoon and see crocodiles leaping out of the water.
The Rex Lookout is at the top of the hill beyond Wangetti.
Fabulous views of the Macalister Range and the para gliders and hang gliders soaring off the point.
Wangetti Beach from the Rex Lookout
Paraglider off Rex Lookout
The Port Douglas Sunday market is shaded by the large trees in the park by the seafront. It is well supported by local artists.
A great place for finding your holiday gifts.
Port Douglas Sunday market
Colourful bags and a view
Rainbow glassware
Daintree Chocolate
St Marys by the Sea was built in 1913-14 on Grant St to replace an earlier Roman Catholic chuch which was destroyed in the cyclone of March 1911. The Catholic Church gave the building to the local community and it was moved to the foreshore in 1988 and restored. In 1991 it was again consecrated as a non-denominational church and is very popular for weddings.
It is a classic Queensland style all-timber construction on low timber stumps. The framing studs and braces are exposed on the outside with the timber lining on the inside. It is a well-proportioned building with its steep roof, simple lines and graceful lancet-shaped windows. The main window behind the altar looks directly towards Thornton Peak, the dominating 1374m mountain in Daintree National park.
St Marys by the Sea
St Marys - the sanctuary (altar) end of the chapel
Interior of St Marys
View of Thornton Peak from St Marys
The Pier
Anzac Park, Port Douglas
Great Dividing Range from Anzac Park
4 mile beach, Port Douglas and Thornton Peak
Thornton Peak from Port Douglas
Mossman, a small sugar mill town, is only a few minutes away. There is a magnificent stand of Raintrees, covered with ferns, just past the end of the main street on the Daintree road. A pretty Anglican church , St David's, is tucked in on the right.
The road to Mossman gorge (2km) is well signed and runs off to the left before you get to the main shopping part of Mossman. You can walk the 1km from the Mossman Gorge Centre or take the bus up to the elevated walkway through the forest.
There are two walks – a 10 minute/ 400m walk from the car park to the lookout and a 1 hr/2.7km circuit through rainforest and along two creeks. This walk has information boards along the way and starts from over the Rex Ck suspension bridge.
The Mossman River is a fabulous place to swim with crystal clear water and deep pools between huge rounded granite boulders .
Elevated walkway through the rainforest
Mt Demi
Peaceful jungle pool
Roots snaking across the forest floor
Main swimming area, Mossman River
Giant granite boulders surround the pools
Qld Heritage history of St Marys
Mossman Gorge walking track map
Aboriginal walking tracks and camp sites in Douglas Shire